Adult Services and Programs
The Chore Services Program provides essential housekeeping services to enable eligible adults to remain in the community. Chore services are available statewide. Services may include housecleaning, laundering, shopping, and meal preparation.
To receive services, an individual must be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), financial or Medicaid assistance from the Department, and must meet other program requirements. Individuals receiving services from Medicaid’s Health Plans (aged, blind, or disabled) are not eligible for this service. Services may be provided without regard to income in adult protective service situations.
Adult Foster Care Program provides placement and case management services to eligible clients in licensed adult residential care homes. To receive adult foster care services, an individual must be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), financial or Medicaid assistance from the Department.
Senior Companion Program is a part-time volunteer program that enrolls eligible low-income seniors statewide to provide in-home companionship and limited personal care to frail elders and respite to caregivers. To apply to be a Senior Companion, an individual must be at least 55 years of age, physically able to volunteer 20 hours per week, and meet income and other program requirements. To receive Senior Companion Services, an individual or family must meet program related requirements. To become a companion, apply for services, or for more information about this program, call the Senior Companion Program office on Oahu at (808) 832-0340.
Respite Companion Program is a part-time employment and training program enrolls eligible low-income seniors to serve frail homebound elders on Oahu. Services include limited in-home personal care, other support services, and respite to caregivers. To be a Respite Companion, an individual must be at least 55 years of age, physically able to work 19 hours per week, and meet income and other program requirements. To receive Respite Companion services, an individual or family must meet program related requirements. To become a companion, apply for services, or for more information about this program, call the Respite Companion Program office on Oahu at (808) 832-5236 and 832-5235.
Foster Grandparent Program is a volunteer program that recruits eligible low-income seniors statewide to assist children with special and exceptional needs in child-care and school settings. To be a foster grandparent, an individual must be at least 55 years of age, commit to volunteering a minimum of 15 hours per week, and meet income and other program requirements. Foster Grandparent volunteers in return receive a nontaxable stipend, meal allowance, travel reimbursement, and paid vacation and sick leave. To receive the services of a foster grandparent, a child must be 21 years old or younger (persons with developmental disabilities who meet specific criteria may continue to receive services beyond their 21st birthday), have special or exceptional needs, and meet other program requirements. To become a foster grandparent, apply for services, or for more information about this program, call the Foster Grandparent Program office on Oahu at (808) 832-5169.
Transportation Assistance for Resident Aliens and Naturalized Citizens provides help to residents of the state who are 60 years of age or older and an alien or naturalized citizen to return to their homelands outside of the United States. To receive this service, an individual must be eligible for financial assistance from the Department or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and must meet other program related requirements.
Courtesy Services provides direct services at the request of an individual or other social service agency when there are no other resources available. Services are limited to answering out-of-state and other inquiries about persons known to the Department; social assessments at the request of out-of-state agencies; determining appropriateness for domiciliary care placement; and repatriation for U.S. citizens and dependents. To receive these services, an individual must meet specific financial and program related requirements.