Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Pilot
A Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) is a systems-building method used by states to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in all types of child care settings. It builds an infrastructure that supports a clear path to higher quality care and provides parents and the public with information about each participating program’s quality. States typically use licensing standards as the starting point or base of the system, upon which higher levels of quality standards are built.
In March 2010, the Quality Care Program (QCP), which is funded by Hawaii’s Department of Human Services (DHS) and administered by the University of Hawaii Center on the Family (COF), was tasked to design a QRIS for licensed child care programs in Hawaii. The QRIS design proposal that was submitted to DHS in June 2011 can be viewed in the attachment below. After the acceptance of the design proposal, the infrastructure was created in order to pilot the QRIS.
In February 2012, Hawaii began its implementation of a QRIS Pilot for DHS licensed Family Child Care Homes, Group Child Centers, and Infant & ToddlerChildCareCenters. The QRIS Pilot emphasizes quality improvement as the primary purpose of the system. The QRIS Pilot is funded by DHS and administered by the Center on the Family. Quality Improvement Grants for center-based programs are currently funded by a private partner: The Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation.
Attached are working drafts of the QRIS Policies & Procedures Manual and its Appendices which contain samples of QRIS forms and reports referred to in the QRIS Policies & Procedures Manual and the QRIS’s coaching principles and competencies. The QRIS Policies and Procedures Manual and Appendices may be revised during the Pilot. Updated versions will be posted as they become available.
Click on the following attachments to review:
August 2013: Accepting FCC & GCC Applications to Participate in the QRIS Pilot Year 2
- QRIS Letter CCC and FCC Request for Applications (rev 8-14-13)
- QRIS form FCC Application
- QRIS form CCC Application
QRIS Policies & Procedures Manual (Revised October 2012)
QRIS Policy & Procedure Appendix A – Sample Forms and Reports (Revised November 2012)
QRIS Policy & Procedure Appendix B – Coaching Guiding Principles & Competencies (November 2012)
Quality Improvement and rating System (QIrS) Design Model (June 2011)