Child Care & Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan and Quality Progress Report (QPR)

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provides Child Care and Development Funds to states for the purpose of improving the affordability, availability and quality of child care. This funding is generally referred to as the Child Care & Development Fund (CCDF). CCDF is authorized by the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act and Section 418 of the Social Security Act.

Federal regulations for the CCDF [45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 98 and 99] require the Lead Agency of the state to submit a CCDF Plan to DHHS every three years. The State of Hawaii Department of Human Services (DHS) has been designated the Lead Agency for the CCDF by the Governor’s Office. Attached is Hawaii’s current CCDF State Plan and past plans.

Click here to review the CCDF State Plan for FFY 2025-2027

Click here to review the CCDF State Plan for FFY 2022-2024

Click here to review the CCDF State Plan for FFY 2019-2021

Click here to review the CCDF State Plan for FFY 2016-2018

Click here to review the CCDF State Plan for FFY 2014-2015

Click here to review the CCDF State Plan for FFY 2012-2013.


Quality Progress Report (QPR) (ACF-218)

The purpose of the annual QPR is to capture Hawaii’s progress on how CCDF quality funds were expended, report on measurable indicators of progress reported in the CCDF plan, and to provide available data on the results of those activities.  The report helps Hawaii evaluate progress in improving the quality of child care programs.  Attached is Hawaii’s current QPR and past QPR reports.

Click here to review QPR report for FFY 2023

Click here to review QPR report for FFY 2022