Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Board

Posted on May 1, 2013 in Main

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Board (DHHAB) represents consumers and agencies serving deaf and hard of hearing people statewide. The DHHAB advises VR on service improvement to deaf and hard of hearing persons. The DHHAB advocated successfully for representatives on the State Rehabilitation Council and for the restoration of two Social Service Assistant positions at Deaf Services Section. The Empowerment committee is developing workshops to empower, enrich and educate deaf and hard of hearing community members.


Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Contact Person: Maureen Bates, Hawaiʻi Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
1010 Richard Street, Suite 217
Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96813
Voice/VP: (808) 586-9729 / (808) 447-1458
Email: [email protected]