Stevens Amendment Statement


The services described in Hawaii DVR’s website, outreach materials such as brochures, forms, flyers, posters,  press releases and social media are funded, in part, with federal funds awarded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Supported Employment Services, and the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who are Blind (OIB) programs. For purposes of the VR program, the federal VR grant paid 78.7 percent of the total costs of the program. In federal fiscal year (FFY) 2024, the VR agency received  $8,286,940 in federal VR funds. Funds appropriated by the State paid 21.3 percent of the total costs  ($2,242,844) under the VR program. For purposes of the Supported Employment program, federal funds paid 95 percent of the total costs. In FFY 2024, the VR agency received $300,000 in federal Supported Employment funds. State appropriated funds paid 5 percent ($16,667) of the total costs under the Supported Employment program. For purposes of the OIB program, federal funds paid 90 percent of the total costs incurred under the program. In FFY 2024, the agency received $225,000 in federal grant funds for this program. Funds appropriated by the State paid 10 percent ($25,000) of the total costs incurred under the OIB program.