
Adult Protective and Community Services

Posted on Aug 28, 2014 in Main

Adult Protective and Community Services

Posted on Aug 28, 2014 in Main

Jerry Lonergan, Blind Vendor

Posted on Aug 28, 2014 in Main

HPHA Sign Up Day

Posted on Aug 28, 2014 in Main

HI HOPES team jumping at the capitol.

Celebrating Foster Care to Age 21

Posted on Aug 28, 2014 in Main

The federal Food and Nutrition Services (FNS), which administers states’ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP) formerly known as Food Stamps, has extended Hawaii’s reimbursement deadline for food spoiled during Tropical Storm Iselle. The new deadline is Aug. 30, 2014.

Reports Due to 2014 Legislature

Posted on Jul 15, 2013 in Main

2014 Act 134 Part VII Sect 138 Abolished Positions Report

Baby Sandy

Posted on May 2, 2013 in Main

Now that HPD has determined that the female who reported finding a baby at Sandy Beach on Sunday night is the baby’s mother, the Department of Human Services Child Welfare Services (CWS) will proceed as follows: The CWS will work with the family to complete its investigation. Considering the circumstances of how the child came ...
Read More Baby Sandy