Collaborating to Connect: DHS, the Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness and Others Partner on Resource Fair
Posted on Oct 12, 2016 in Main, NEWS
Wai‘anae First-to-Work staff ready to serve.
On Friday, September 23, the Department of Human Services (DHS) came together with 16 other non-profit groups and state and federal agencies to host a provider fair to connect individuals – especially those in an encampment at the Wai‘anae Small Boat Harbor – with resources. An estimated 150 people attended throughout the day. The efforts were featured by a number of news outlets, including the Honolulu Star Advertiser.

Homeless Community Engagement Specialist Tamah-Lani Noh connects at the resource fair.
The provider fair is one example of collaboration across our department and communities that happen on a daily basis to outreach to individuals who may be homeless. Staff from the Department of Human Services (DHS) Benefit, Employment, and Support Services and Med-QUEST Divisions and the Office of the Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness were on hand to outreach and coordinate the fair.

BESSD’s Wai‘anae Processing Center on-hand at the resource fair.
Attendees were encouraged to sign in at each tent for additional information. This allowed providers to have the ability to follow up and provide additional services to this community. The Office of the Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness was able to substantiate a total of 467 interactions with the community providers. Community members and providers both agreed it was a morning well spent.

Med-QUEST Division outreach staff were present to connect attendees with healthcare coverage.