More Inspiring Stories from the Summer Youth Employment Program
In June 2016, more than 200 youth with disabilities began internships with state and county government entities. Students participated in the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), a partnership with the Department of Human Services Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations as well as Honolulu and Kaua‘i counties. In addition to referring students with disabilities for this exciting opportunity, DVR also hosted a number of interns in their programs statewide.
As the summer came to a close, Department of Human Services (DHS) DVR staff took a moment to recognize these outstanding students. Below, Hawai‘i Island staff introduce three students they worked with through SYEP:

Tyrus Suezaki proudly presents one of his paychecks he earned during his summer as an Summer Youth Employment Program intern.
Tyrus Suezaki
Hawai‘i Island staff describe Tyrus as “a young man with a genuine smile.” He is currently participating in SYEP at the Kona DVR office to enhance his skills in an office setting. Staff notes that his positive energy and willingness to learn shine through his tasks. He’s confident and ready to learn any of the tasks he’s given.

Intern for Hawai‘i county Environmental Management Department, Arnold Kahaunaele, smiles in his work uniform vest. “Arnold would sleep in that vest if we let him!” says his resource caregiver (foster mother).
Arnold Kahaunaele
Arnold Kahaunaele interns at Hawai‘i County’s Environmental Management Department. Although he’s one of the younger participants in SYEP – a high school student – his work ethic shines through everything he does. DVR staff note that coworkers and supervisors alike embrace his enthusiasm and positive “can do” attitude. And the appreciation is mutual. Arnold’s resource caregiver (commonly known as foster mother) said, when she sent in the picture (right), that “Arnold had a great day at work. [He] would sleep in that vest if we let him.” He probably doesn’t even realize that his hard work is paving the way for future Summer Youth Employment interns.
Kuha‘o Kawaauhao
Kuha‘o Kawaauhao, another high school student participant, is also making his mark as an SYEP intern. DVR staff describe Kuha‘o as “the kind of student that will face challenges head-on and try different things to better himself. He refuses to let his blindness stand in the way.” Kuha‘o jumped at the opportunity to participate in the Summer Youth Employment Program and work in an office setting. Kuha‘o has been working at Waimea Elementary School as an office helper. One of his tasks, shown here, is to help with reconciliation of lunch tickets. He shows his adeptness using a 10-key adding machine while his job coach calls out numbers. Like many other interns, Kuha‘o’s positive attitude and hard work give the program a great reputation.
Kuha‘o Kawaauhao shows off his 10-key typing skills as he helps Waimea Elementary School reconcile lunch tickets.