The Department of Human Services (DHS) wants to reassure beneficiaries who continue to meet financial and clinical eligibility criteria that they will continue to receive long-term care services regardless of the end date stated in a recently received notice. The DHS sent notices during the period of May 16- 30, 2014 to approximately 4,500 medical assistance beneficiaries who receive long-term care services in a facility, their own home, or a community-based setting. The notices were generated as a result of adding new long-term care functionality to the DHS eligibility system.
The 15 year-old youth who stowed away in the wheel well of a Hawaiian Airlines jet Sunday, April 20, 2014, is safe and no longer in Hawaii. The State of Hawaii Department of Human Services, Child Welfare Branch has no further involvement in this case.
Citing privacy and confidentiality, Child Welfare Services will not disclose any information regarding the current status of the 15 year-old youth who stowed away in a Hawaiian Airlines wheel well on April 20, 2014. If information becomes available for release, the DHS will send out an update.
The father of the youth who stowed away on a Hawaiian Airlines flight Sunday, April 20, 2014, has arrived in Honolulu. Citing privacy concerns and confidentiality, Child Welfare Services has no plans to disclose any information regarding release of the youth. If more information becomes available for release, the DHS will send out an update.
The 15 year-old youth who stowed away Sunday, April 20, 2014 in the wheel well of a Hawaiian Airlines jet, remains in a local hospital under custody of the Hawaii Child Welfare Services. The Department of Human Services (DHS) has no other updates. When more information is available for release, the DHS will send out an update.
Effective February 2014, Temporary Assistance for Need Family (TANF) recipients are restricted from withdrawing their cash benefits at certain types of businesses. Restricted points of access include automated teller machines (ATM) or point of sale (POS) terminals at liquor stores, casinos, and gaming establishments. Retail establishments that provide adult-oriented entertainment (performers disrobe or perform in an unclothed state for entertainment) also are restricted locations.
The Department of Human Services (DHS) General Assistance (GA) program has increased monthly benefits for individuals and couples receiving temporary economic assistance. Effective April 1, 2014, single individuals receive $348 per month, an increase of $29. Couples receive $469 per month, an increase of $39. The purpose of the GA program is to ensure that eligible adults receive at least a minimally adequate standard of living.
There is a $25 registration fee for Summer Fun programs. The fee may be waived for recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. The Department of Human Services (DHS) will mail each recipient family a letter that lists the names of children eligible for the fee waiver. Families must present this letter at the time of registration to receive the $25 waiver.
The Department of Human Services (DHS) has no updates regarding the 15 year-old youth who stowed away Sunday in the wheel well of a Hawaiian Airlines jet. He remains in a local hospital under protective custody of the Hawaii Child Welfare Services. When more information is available for release, the DHS will send out an update.
AGE CORRECTION The 15 year-old youth (age confirmed by the FBI) who stowed away Sunday in the wheel well of a Hawaiian Airlines jet is resting comfortably at a local hospital. Currently in the custody of the Hawaii Department of Human Services, Child Welfare Services officials continue to work with the appropriate agencies to ensure the youth's safe return to his home in California. When more information is available for release, the Hawaii Department of Human Services (DHS) will send out an update.