Joyful Heart Foundation Hawai‘i Executive Director Kata Issari reads words from Joyful Heart founder Mariska Hargitay alongside local talent who participated in the Hawai‘i Says No More Campaign.
The Hawai‘i Says NO MORE campaign officially unveiled on Wednesday, November 16 at the Surfjack Hotel. NO MORE is a national public awareness and engagement campaign focused on ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Hawai‘i Says NO MORE is the local version of this inspiring initiative, through which we challenge the mindset and behaviors that lead to this violence in Hawai‘i.

Stacey Moniz (Women Helping Women Maui) speaks on behalf of the Hawai‘i Says No More Core Team, of which DHS and the Hawai‘i State Commission on the Status of Women are a part.
The campaign came to fruition here in Hawai‘i when the Joyful Heart Foundation convened leaders from the state’s domestic violence and sexual assault organizations as well as government offices and community leaders. The group, made up of non-profit, government, military, private sector, and individuals, collaborated with the Joyful Heart Foundation to bring life to this local twist on the national campaign.
The video public service announcements (PSAs), directed by Law & Order SVU star Mariska Hargitay and produced by the Joyful Heart Foundation, features prominent local celebrities and leaders. The PSAs will air first on Hawai‘i News Now, a partner in the campaign, before being aired more broadly. Print ads will also accompany the videos in December through AdWalls and support from Wall-to-Wall. O‘ahu residents will be able to see them featured prominently on TheBus among other places. A radio component will launch at a later date.
The Department of Human Services as well as the Hawai‘i State Commission on the Status of Women are proud Core Team Members that helped in the collaboration and development of the campaign. We encourage you to visit the Hawai‘i Says NO MORE website for more information about the campaign, the print and video public service announcements, resources and ways you can take action here in Hawai‘i.