Overview of expanded SNAP eligibility for COFA citizens

Posted on Jul 24, 2024 in Featured, Main

Overview of expanded SNAP eligibility for COFA citizens 
(July 24, 2024)

On March 9, 2024, President Joseph R. Biden signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA) (P.L. 118-42). Division G, Title II, Section 209(f) of the CAA amends Section 402 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) (P.L. 104-193) and provides that Compacts of Free Association (COFA) citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau who lawfully reside in the United States are eligible for certain Federal public benefit programs, including SNAP.

Compacts of Free Association (COFA) citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau who lawfully reside in the United States who applied on or after March 9, 2024, and were denied for SNAP may reapply for SNAP to be determined eligible under the provisions of the CAA. Those individuals who applied and were denied may request a fair hearing within 90 days of the date of denial according to 7 CFR 273.15. If a household is not eligible for a fair hearing as they are outside of the 90 day period, they must reapply for SNAP.

Applications for SNAP benefits may be obtained at a DHS Processing Center or on the DHS website.  Households can also apply for SNAP online at https://pais-benefits.dhs.hawaii.gov/.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding SNAP eligibility for COFA citizens. 

  1. Who is eligible for SNAP due to the signing of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 and amendments to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity for Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)?
    COFA citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau who lawfully reside in the United States and meet income and other eligibility requirements for SNAP.
  1. What if I am an eligible COFA citizen and applied for SNAP after March 9, 2024 and my application was denied?
    You may reapply for SNAP to be determined eligible under the provisions of the CAA, or you may request a fair hearing within 90 days of the date of application denial. You also have the option to both reapply and to request a fair hearing at the same time.
  1. How do I request a fair hearing to appeal a denial of my application for SNAP?
    You will need to complete Form DHS 1461 (Request for a Hearing), call 1-855-643-1643 to verbally request a hearing, or request a hearing at a DHS Processing Center near you.
  1. How do I apply for SNAP benefits?
    A household may obtain an application for SNAP at a DHS Processing Center, or may apply online at https://pais-benefits.dhs.hawaii.gov. A list of Processing Centers statewide is available on the DHS website.
  1. What if I need assistance applying for SNAP?
    If you need assistance with your application, please contact a DHS SNAP Outreach provider. DHS contracts community-based organizations across the state to assist you with the application process, including completing the application and gathering necessary documents.   A list of SNAP Outreach providers is available on the DHS website.
  1. What are general requirements for SNAP eligibility?
    Please refer to the gross income standards and other general requirements below.


SNAP Gross Monthly Income Eligibility Standards (Effective 10/1/2024)

Household Size 130% Federal Poverty Level 200% Federal Poverty Level (BBCE)
1 $1,876 $2,886
2 $2,546 $3,918
3 $3,217 $4,950
4 $3,887 $5,980
5 $4,558 $7,012
6 $5,229 $8,044
7 $5,899 $9,076
8 $6,570 $10,108
Each additional member +$671 +$1,032


SNAP Net Monthly Income Eligibility Standards (Effective 10/1/2024)

Household Size 100% Federal Poverty Level
1 $1,443
2 $1,959
3 $2,475
4 $2,990
5 $3,506
6 $4,022
7 $4,538
8 $5,054
Each additional member +$516


Other eligibility criteria include: Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility (BBCE) expands SNAP benefits to low-income families with high expenses, and to families whose gross incomes are slightly higher than the 130% FPL normal gross income test. Under BBCE, the gross income limit is 200% FPL and there is an unlimited asset standard.  Most households qualify for BBCE.  However, if a household member has been disqualified under SNAP, it may not qualify for BBCE.

  • Households where all members receive, or are authorized to receive TANF or SSI cash assistance, are categorically eligible for SNAP.  There is no gross income limit, no net income limit and no asset limit.
  • Net monthly income must be 100 percent or less of the Federal poverty guidelines. Net income is figured by adding all of a household’s gross income, and then taking a number of approved deductions for child care, extra shelter costs and other expenses. Households with an elderly or disabled member are subject only to the net income test.
  • Most able-bodied adult applicants must meet certain work requirements.
  • All household members must provide a Social Security number or apply for one.
  1. What if I have additional questions regarding SNAP or the application process?
    If you have additional questions, please contact the Public Assistance Information System line at 1-855-643-1643, or send a question to us through the ‘Contact Us’ form at https://pais-benefits.dhs.hawaii.gov/.


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