State Rehabilitation Council (SRC)

The SRC carries out its purpose by performing the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Review, analyze and advise the VR agency regarding its performance of responsibilities that affect the ability of consumers to achieve employment outcomes;
  • Develop, agree to and review State goals and priorities of the VR program;
  • Assist VR in the preparation of the VR State Plan, amendments to the plan and needs assessment;
  • Review and analyze the effectiveness of the VR Program and consumer satisfaction;
  • Prepare and submit a VR annual report to the Governor and Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration; and
  • Coordinate its activities with the activities of other disability-related councils within the State.



1st Quarter, Friday, November 8, 2024
2nd Quarter, Friday, February 14, 2025
3rd Quarter, Thursday, May 9, 2025
4th Quarter, Friday, August 22, 2025

Time: 10:00am-1:00pm
Location: See Quarterly Agenda
Chairperson: Evan Nakatsuka
Contact Person:
Gregg Van Camp, DVR Liaison
Phone: 808-586-9743  Email: [email protected]


SRC Quarterly Meeting Agenda



SRC Quarterly Meeting Minutes



*For previous SRC Quarterly Meeting Agenda & Minutes prior to 2019, please contact Gregg Van Camp.